Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) is a welfare scheme launched by the Prime Minister in 2015. The aim of the initiative is to empower people with the financial means to buy a house. The scheme’s mission is to help ...

A 9-5 job is not everyone’s calling. Some people value the flexibility and work-life balance more than anything, and a freelancing career provides the perfect balance. From freedom to choose projects of your choice to work at your own pace, ...

Very few traders pay attention to the fundamental news. To rookies in Hong Kong technical analysis is the key to success. If you start working hard, you can know the basics of the technical analysis in less than 2 months. ...

More and more women are becoming financially independent. As a result, there has been a sudden surge in women homeowners. This has naturally raised the demand for home loans. And to encourage women to own homes by applying for home ...

The property and casualty insurance exam is the main obstacle most people have to overcome before they are able to property and casualty insurance. Nevertheless, passing the exam is not necessarily an easy task. If you are wondering how to ...

The traditional currency is gradually giving way to the digital currency known as cryptocurrency. Here are a few things about the underlying blockchain facts of cryptocurrency the trader in the financial market should be aware of. Blockchain Technology Blockchain is ...

Credit cards and fast loans both are well-known methods of borrowing money. The prime difference between them is that the credit card is popular as plastic money from which you can buy anything or even pay your bills. On the ...

Money matters to every individual and plays a massive role in making an investment decision. But many a time there are ways you can reduce the investment amount. When it comes to life insurance plans, you can definitely reduce the ...

You definitely know the response to the inquiry, for what reason do daycares have fundraisers? They’re continually posing the inquiry, for what reason do daycares have fundraisers?” Things being what they are, the reason do daycares need to fund-raise with ...

Running a child care center is not that easy as it looks. The most common problem a child care center often encounters is the lack of funds. There are some reasons why funds are becoming a problem for child care ...