4 Types of Prosthetic Limbs

Myoelectric Prosthetics

Myoelectric prosthetics are a more articulate, natural alternative to conventional, body-powered prosthetics. While body-powered prostheses use harnesses that respond to exaggerated upper-body movements, myoelectric systems move with much less effort and more accuracy. Myoelectric prosthetics increase mobility and maximize function, allowing the amputee to move the limb as fast or as slow as they choose from any position. Additionally, myoelectric systems work well for transhumeral, forequarter amputees and shoulder disarticulation. This type of prosthesis can be customized to provide a smooth, unique cosmetic appearance. For difficult tasks, the limb can be swapped out for a “work limb”. When it comes to prostheses, proper socket design is critical. At Fit-Well in Utah, you can be sure that your socket will be contoured to fit each bit of nerve, muscle, and bone, which will result in more comfort and improved muscle function.

Microprocessor-Controlled Lower Extremity Prosthetics

Microprocessor-controlled lower extremity prosthetics imitate real limbs in that they can adapt to various terrains in microseconds. No matter the situation or speed, this type of prosthetic limb will adjust accordingly. Whether you’re speeding up, slowing down, climbing stairs, or walking on uneven ground, microprocessor-controlled lower extremity prostheses provide stance resistance to ensure your safety and functionality. This is particularly useful when it comes to getting out of vehicles, stepping off curbs, and walking down Utah slopes.

Elevated Vacuum-Assisted Socket System

Elevated vacuum socket systems are an advanced way of suspending prosthetic limbs with virtually no movement. These systems have vacuum pumps that vacuum out air the socket through airlines and prevent it from returning. Additionally, most vacuum systems remove moisture, preventing sweat and perspiration from collecting inside the socket. Furthermore, elevated vacuum systems prevent daily volume fluctuation problems, as the prosthesis will adjust to the size of the residual limb instantaneously. If your socket is uncomfortable or requires regular adjustments throughout the day to remain tight and reliable, you may benefit from an elevated vacuum-assisted socket system.

Fit-Well, located in Midvale, Utah, offers all kinds of prosthetic limbs, orthotics, and cranial helmets. A few of their most popular prostheses and artificial limbs include upper and lower extremities, myoelectric systems, hybrids, microprocessor-controlled lower extremities, elevated vacuum-assisted socket systems, pediatric prostheses, and sports prostheses. Each prosthesis can be customized to fit any amputee and to withstand any situation. If you have been unsatisfied with your prosthetics, orthotics, or cranial helmets in the past, Fit-Well in Utah may be the best option for you.

Fit-Well provides orthotics, cranial helmets, and prosthetic limbs in Utah and the surrounding area.