Top 4 Risks of Alcohol DIY Rehab

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimates that 15.1 million people aged 18 years and above suffer from Alcohol use disorder (AUD). Its widespread use and abuse could be due to the lack of regulation when it comes to its access. For persons who experience signs of alcoholism such as tremors, shaking, and confusion, medically supervised detox is necessary. For those who experience minor withdrawal symptoms, a DIY rehab could be effective.  However, detoxing from home has its fair share of challenges, which include:

Lack of a sober social network

With professional alcohol rehabilitation, you are connected with like-minded individuals. This provides a supportive and sober connection amongst peers as they give each other hope and encouragement. In the end, you will be able to forge healthy relationships and be accountable to one another, which is critical to long-term sobriety. With a DIY or home detox program, there is limited access to people who are going through the same challenge. This could make sobriety feel lonesome and isolating, which only increases the chances of a relapse.

There’s no comprehensive care at home

Overcoming alcohol dependence is a process that requires therapy and counseling, peer support, medical intervention, and education. You can only access these if you sign up for an alcohol rehab program. By foregoing professional alcohol help, you will be missing out on counseling or family therapy from people who are qualified to help you overcome the dependence.

Exposure to alcohol dependency triggers

While alcohol detox at home sounds great, it will be quite difficult to stay sober when you are surrounded by friends or family members who use alcohol. Exposure to the same environment, which triggered alcohol use makes it challenging to step away from the bad habit and embark on a sober lifestyle.

Lack of suitable support during recovery

Recovery from alcohol use disorder, even though it’s mild, is tough as you have to learn skills on how to stay sober on your own. Besides, alcohol cravings could be overwhelming. Alcohol rehab institutions already have a support system in place to aid you during your recovery period. Besides, the experienced staff will help you address the underlying causes of alcohol dependence.

Alcohol use disorder is a medical condition that should not be taken lightly. While minor signs of alcoholism could be treated using a few home remedies and sufficient rest, consider the above downsides. However, alcohol addiction needs to be treated in a professional rehab.