Top 10 Legal Questions from Mesothelioma Patients & Families  


For someone who has suffered from mesothelioma or has a relative who suffers from mesothelioma, you may have a lot of questions relating to the legal procedures.

Here we have answered the top 10 legal questions usually asked by mesothelioma patients and their families.

  1. Why should I look for a mesothelioma lawyer?

A lawyer who specialises in mesothelioma will be much more likely to understand the legal procedures pertaining to filing a mesothelioma lawsuit.

Mesothelioma is a life-threatening cancer, which does not show up until ten to forty years after exposure to asbestos. Many of those suffering are not aware of the necessary steps to take. A lawyer will be able to better help you in this regard.

  1. How can I file a claim for mesothelioma?

You can speak to a personal injury law firm that deals specifically in mesothelioma lawsuits to proceed with filing your claim. These cases tend to fall under the personal injury umbrella, but they are unique cases that most attorneys don’t have the experience or resources to effectively take on. You will be best served by a law firm that has a strong track record of success with mesothelioma and asbestos cases. If you look around, chances are good that you’ll be able to find lawyers handling these cases in a location near you, such as the Buffalo, NY mesothelioma attorneys at Richmond Vona, LLC.

  1. What is an asbestos trust fund?

Asbestos trust funds are set up by the asbestos-industry companies to compensate previous, present and future victims of asbestos exposure. They are also known as ‘asbestos bankruptcy trusts’.

  1. Where should I file my mesothelioma lawsuit?

You can file your mesothelioma lawsuit anywhere you find convenient, whether in state or out of state or more than one court. Laws vary from state to state, you can choose one after checking which one suits you.

  1. Is it necessary to travel if my claim is filed out of state?

No, once you have hired a lawyer to handle your case, you will most likely not be required to travel for the case proceedings.

  1. What is the deadline for filing a mesothelioma claim?

The deadline varies from state to state. You can seek help from a learned lawyer in understanding the statute of limitations.

  1. How much do mesothelioma lawyers charge?

The fees vary from lawyer to lawyer; however, you hire a lawyer to work on contingency basis as well. This means that they will only charge their fees if you win the compensation.

  1. What factors determine the success of a mesothelioma lawsuit?

There are miscellaneous factors that may be taken into account, such as medical expenses, mental anguish, lost wages, financial condition of the defendant and much more. Each case is different, and a mesothelioma lawyer will be able to better explain you in this regard.

  1. How long will my mesothelioma lawsuit take?

There is no defined timeframe for mesothelioma or asbestos cases. The case can be resolved in weeks or may go on for years even. Your case can be expedited if you are at an advanced stage of cancer.

  1. What if I die before my case ends?

Your compensation claim will become an asset of your estate, in case that you unfortunately die before the case proceedings come to an end.