Tips to Escape the Escape Room

What could be more fun than a puzzling game filled with twists and turns that can be shared by you and your family? If you love trying to crack the code and figure out puzzles and games you will love partaking in an escape room. The escape room in Arlington is a great way to have fun and reconnect with friends and family at the same time. If your the competitive type like me you not only want to have fun while escaping the escape room but you want to win too! Listed below are top ten tips to help you win at the escape room in arlington.

  1. Stay Focused

Always keep your composure and stay focused while you maneuver your way through the escape room. It is easy for people to get worked up and flustered which then causes your brain to fog up and will not help you escape the escape room in record time. Always stay aware of your time and think logically while remaining calm.

  1. Utilize Your Team

Teamwork makes the dream work, that is true when trying to win at the escape room as well, the more minds put together the better and the more likely you are to get a good score. Make sure you use each person on your teams talents and skills to your advantage and be mindful that working together is the best way to escape!

  1. Write It Down

If your able to, bring along a sketch pad and jot down notes as you try to figure out the clues and escape the room. Even just a few quick notes will help you to remember key clues and inklings that will lead you to the win!

  1. Pay Attention to the Time

The most common mistake people make when trying to get a good score on the escape room is forgetting to keep track of their time. The time limit is the biggest contender and you will surely fail if you take too much time deliberating and not working fast enough. Make sure you have at least one person on clock duty that can always be keeping track of the time.

  1. Always Follow Directions

In the escape room you are likely going to run into many challenges and the one thing you must always do is follow the directions very closely. As you are given the clues and you find your way through the escape room you must be very mindful of the exact directions as they are very important and it is crucial that you follow them accordingly.

  1. Use Your Head

Make sure you stay sharp and use your mind to really think about the clues and unravel what the room is trying to tell you. The room will speak to you through its clues and its adventures so be sure you are always staying on your toes and paying attention to any hidden clues.

  1. Be Insightful

It may sound insignificant but as you go through the room and the clues be insightful to each and every wing of the competition as clues are hidden among the walls and throughout the room. Take everything you see and hear into consideration as it could mean something!

  1. Pay Attention to Details

Along with being insightful be sure you are also paying attention to details as you maneuver through the room. The room is filled with tiny little detailed clues and insights that will really help you when trying to escape in record time.

  1. Finish Strong

As you make it to the end of the game stay positive and finish strong as most people that struggle to escape the room make it over halfway there and then fail at the end because they give up too quickly. Finish strong and make a statement.

  1. Have Fun

Finally,and likely most importantly is to remember to have fun! The whole reason for the activity is for a fun time and if you relax and enjoy yourself your likely to do well. Good luck!