Shedding Light On Ballet Fitness Workout: Debunking 3 Myths

The dangerous thing about myths is they often harm things and what people think about them. You would encounter people seeing ballet fitness workout routines as a waste of time because lifting weights and doing cardio is better. Another problem would be the underappreciation because they fail to realise that this type of dance is a work of art, and a single graceful move packs stories and even a message. In short, having such misconceptions makes you miss out on things because you are unaware of them. Let us debunk all of them in this article:


Ballet dancing is a work of art that people enjoy and appreciate. The first feature includes light and graceful movement to tell a story or be in sync with beautifully composed music. Second, these dances go way back, and by that, we mean the Renaissance age. Expect to witness historical classics and the display of emotions you have not seen before. Lastly, performances also include the use of vibrant and artistic costumes that goes well with the movements. Dancers wear something that coincides with the theme.

Overall, for the ballet dancer, this is a workout and artistic activity in one! Imagine the strength and amount of dedication to present yourself like no other.



Couple it with modern movements and music, and one can consider ballet a fitness workout that gives you endorphins and keeps the blood flowing. Not only that, but this activity is also a social phenomenon because dancers get to bond with each other and fully cooperate when presenting a performance that speaks.

Another reason to try a ballet workout and dance session in Singapore is to explore this hidden gem. Most people do not realise the historical context, artistic message, and physical benefits. You do not have to become a passionate artist or someone who loves everything cultural because mere curiosity is already enough!

Lastly, it is a fun activity to try during the weekend or in your free time after work. Enjoy the graceful movements and beautiful music with your physically-active lifestyle.



The negative aspect of this is you would hear people seeing a ballet dancer as a workoutthat does not do anything. People often think it is better to go to the gym instead than perform dances that are not even interesting. Another would be the lack of appreciation for the classics. Let this article help you clear any confusion you might have, and here are some myths to debunk:


Myth: The typical ballet dancer is often skinny and slender due to their thin frame. Some are also unhealthy because they eat less than usual to maintain a desirable figure. These people should be at their lightest possible weight because the movements require them to stand on their toes or spin around.

Truth: There is no truth in the statement that ballet dancers are unhealthy because they never skip meals or engage in crash diets that harm their health. In fact, they do eat sufficient food to fuel themselves for long hours of training and nerve-wracking performances. Also, some even go to the gym to maintain their figure by lifting light weights or doing cardio, and ballet is a fitness workoutin itself.

Takeaway: The lesson is people have no right to judge someone’s health based on their appearance without proper examination. Joining ballet beginner classes for adults requires more energy than usual, so prepare to eat a heavy meal a few hours before the session.


Myth: Parents usually enrol their little girls in a ballet class in Singapore to develop the skill earlier and to widen their horizons. The first reason is children learn faster and develop a sense of discipline when they start earlier. They also have more confidence because kids are not yet socially aware.

Truth: It is never too late to start appreciating and learning this dance. There are even adult ballet classes for those who wish to reminisce about their childhood experience or start something new! Also, adults learn better than children, so the instructor would not have difficulties teaching the pose or maintaining a peaceful atmosphere in the studio.

Takeaway: The only hobby better for adults than children is consuming alcohol. Kidding aside, attending a ballet class is not for a specific age, and whether you are a young girl or an adult who seeks to explore their potential can do this!


Myth: Join adult ballet classes in Singapore, and most of the women have a small frame that often shows their weakness. They are light and can endure movements on the stage, such as jumping around, being lifted by their partners, and spinning mid-air. While they can do these things without challenge, the catch is they are fragile.

Truth: Ballet dancers are not fragile! On the contrary, they might even have more muscles than the average person who does not exercise because they use their strong legs to stand during performances, core and abdominal muscles to ensure stability, and use their arms to carry their weight on some occasions. Ballet dance is a workoutin itself, and these people eat enough to have energy.

Takeaway: Defining a healthy body does not have a specific answer. You can be a bulky weightlifter that looks like your favourite male action star, a toned marathon runner who is light but packs more muscle than fat, and a ballet dancer with no evident muscle gain but can actually carry herself well on stage.

Attending adult ballet classes in Singapore is for everyone! Whether you are a male who wants to explore beautiful artistic moves, a mother who wants to enjoy the hobby with her little girls, or even an adult who needs an exciting activity, you have a space in the studio to express yourself through graceful movements. Visit BalletBody to explore their dance programmes, and reach out if you have queries or concerns about their offerings.