Seven Major Benefits of a Closely Watched Network

Watched Network

The single most annoying thing is getting a call saying your network is down. IT often lacks the visibility they need to proactively address performance issues, leaving you in the dark until a user or client raises an issue. When the power goes out, the clock starts ticking. The longer it takes to fix, the more money you’ll waste on lost employee time, decreased output, and unhappy customers.

Here are seven ways in which keeping an eye on your networks can ease your IT burden and make your life easier.

The Value of Using Text to Track Network Activity

One should always plan ahead for potential power outages

Why do computer systems sometimes fail? Human error, configuration issues, and environmental factors can all play a role. One of the simplest and most fundamental ways to limit the occurrence of these disturbances is to implement network monitoring.

Quickly address problems

Time is more valuable than money when things are going poorly. Network monitoring streamlines and speeds up the troubleshooting process for busy network engineers.

See your investment yield results right away

IT departments face ever-increasing demands on their time and resources as they attempt to complete increasingly complex projects with limited resources. Putting money on the right network monitoring technology could yield results quickly. Employees have more time in their day to focus on higher-priority tasks now that they don’t have to manually investigate the network’s performance.

Find places where security could be compromised

If you don’t have the funds for invasion detection software but still want a tier 1 approach to preventing data fissures, network monitoring can help.

A network monitoring tool can offer this essential first line of defence. The most significant benefit is a picture of your company’s “normal” performance. This makes it easy to spot anything that isn’t quite right, such as an unexpected spike in network activity or a new device connecting to your system. If you investigate when and on what device an event occurred, you can take a preventative strategy to securing your network.

Justify the Upgrading of Equipment

Having a hunch that a manager’s server needs upgrading won’t be enough to sway most of them. A report detailing the equipment’s performance over the course of a year, however, is much more persuasive.

Provide an update on the SLAs

There is a great deal of importance placed on clients keeping their network uptime promises to IT consultants and managed service providers. You may more easily meet the requirements of service level agreements (SLAs) and guarantee customer satisfaction with the help of network monitoring because of the ability to report on performance.