How to Design a Large Garden – What you Need to Know

If you have just been handed the keys to your dream detached property, you probably have a large plot of empty land from which to develop a garden. Of course, you could call in a landscape contractor and once a design has been agreed on, he can quote for the project, or you could undertake the project yourself. The choice is yours.

Typical design templates

Draw a large diagram, preferably to scale, and one-third should be allocated to a terrace, which connects to the rear of the house.  This will be your rest and relaxation zone, with shading and comfortable furniture; you can install stone pavers or use timber decking; either way, you have to create a base.

Multi-level garden

If you have a flat plot of land, hire one of the compact excavators and create multi-levels, which is really easy. If you plan to include a swimming pool, this would be the time to add it to the project and when your design is finished, you can think about implementation. 

Trees and shrubs

If there are no trees, you can talk to a local arborist and ask their advice about suitable species; even mature trees can be planted using a mini-excavator and a hi-ab crane truck. The Internet hosts a wealth of free resources on garden design and you can create a shaded area where you can relax and enjoy your garden. You could, for example, plant a row of conifers down one side of the garden and shape them into a screen to give you some seclusion and privacy. 

Creating a lawn

No garden would be complete without a lush, green lawn; prepare the land by grading it, then rake off all the stones and you are ready to lay the turf. The strips of turn should be installed much like a brick wall, interlocking the turf to help with bonding and when finished, water daily for a week and keep off the lawn. Let’s not forget a solid garden shed to store all your gardening tools.

Flower beds

Typically, flower beds are added around the edges of the lawn and using an edging spade, you can create contoured edges. Plants and flowers should be suitable for the region and planting is best done in the spring months. Flowers add much-needed colour, so do include them around the garden.

Online inspiration

If you are stuck for ideas about garden design, Google Images can bring you 1000s of fine examples of great garden design. Talk to a local landscape gardener and tell him about your concept; with a firm budget in mind, you should be able to come up with a design that ticks all your boxes.

If you need any heavy equipment to implement your garden design, contact a local plant hire company and they will deliver the machinery and you can get to work and create the perfect garden.