How Reflective Line Marking Helps with Road Safety

You’ve probably noticed how some line markings on the road reflect incoming light from your vehicle’s headlights. You may not have thought about it, but these reflective markings can go a long way towards improving road safety.

Think about it — it would be difficult to see directions and warning signs at night when they’re non-reflective. It’s no different from when the roads are considered more dangerous in bad weather. More so if you’re driving on an unfamiliar road and can barely see the signs and road markings in front of you.

Are you even in the right lane/direction, or are you at risk of colliding with another vehicle (and not know it)? Such situations highlight the significance of investing in reflective surface treatments in Melbourne. It’s no wonder then that it has become a popular option on car parks and other places wherein there’s a need to direct traffic flow.

What exactly are reflective line markings?

Well, as the name implies, reflective line-markings differ from traditional ones in that incoming light sources bounce off it. This keeps signs and road markings visible even at night for as long as there is a light source nearby. Hence, these markings’ strategic placement will help ensure that drivers can see vital signs and road markings in any condition.

Unfortunately, many people can get into a road accident because they could not see vital road signs during the night. This can cause drivers to panic and make poor decisions. Combining these factors can turn deadly, which is unfortunate as it could have easily been avoided with reflective road markings.

Think about it — drivers depend on road markings for guidance on how to navigate the road safely and that we’re not heading in the wrong direction. The last thing you need is to drive up to a dangerous intersection at night with no visible warning signs. Consider that reflective road markings aren’t there to help you stay on the road. More importantly, they keep drivers aware of the unfolding situation and potential hazards they might need to be wary of.

For instance, there might be on-going construction in a particular area. In this case, reflective road markings can warn drivers to slow down or stop to account for any obstructions ahead. Reflective road markings can also prove helpful in determining which lane you should be on to reach your destination.

You would surely agree that the inability to see road signs at night can endanger both motorists and pedestrians’ lives. Hence if your property is located near an intersection or features a parking area, it would be prudent to install reflective road markings that remain perfectly visible at night.

What’s the deal with reflective road markings?

Reflective road markings can come in paint, tape, or resin (epoxy or thermoplastic. This makes them very flexible marking materials and can be applied on just about any surface. They are best used in areas where there’s a high risk of accidents (blind spots, hidden curves, dark tunnels, intersections, school crossings, etc.

If appropriately applied, reflective road markings can last just as good as ordinary rood markings (around four years). This makes them an excellent long term investment towards road safety.