How an Attorney Help you Get Social Security Disability Payments

Approved Social Security Disability Claim Form on a desktop

If you are dealing with a disability, a Social Security Disability (SSD) payment will help you thrive and survive financially.  However, you can face a lot of obstacles to get a disability payment. Even if you are eligible and have applied for it, it can still be denied. 

An experienced Rockford social security disability attorney can help you get disability payments. They can evaluate your eligibility and help you navigate the complex process, offering you the best opportunity to get the compensation you deserve. Here’s how they can help you:

Evaluate your Eligibility

The social security disability services oak lawn il determines your eligibility for SSD payment. Your lawyer evaluates your claim according to the same factors the SSA uses, including the kind and severity of your disability. Your attorney can arrange expert evaluations to support your claim including functional capacity evaluation, independent medical examination, vocational evaluation, psychological evaluation, and neuropsychological examination. Not every case will need these expert evaluations. But, your attorney can arrange for any kind of expert assistance or evaluation that your claim requires. 

Prepare and Submit your Application

A strong SSD application will provide you with the best chance of approval. Your lawyer will make sure it is completed and comes with all relevant information. During the claims process, they will communicate with the SSA for you. If the agency requests new information or medical documentation, they will satisfy the request on time. 

Your attorney will gather all the necessary information for your application, including personal information, work history, taxes, income, and medical documentation of your disability. They will prepare and submit your application for you. They will not charge any fee unless you receive your disability payment. 

Appeal a Denied Claim

Most SSD applications are denied, so your lawyer may have to appeal the denial. First, they will request reconsideration and represent you during an SSA hearing.

Jack Sylvester
Jack Sylvester is a freelance writer, He is extremely fond of anything that is related to ghostwriting, copy writing and blogging services. He works closely with B2B businesses providing digital marketing content that gains social media attention. His aim to reach his goals one step at a time and He believes in doing everything with a smile.