Hemp Vs Cannabis CBD: Which to Buy Wholesale For Your Business


As the interest in wholesale distribution of CBD continues to grow, and many people are looking to sell cannabidiol products in-store, so does the availability of various product versions. One factor that confuses most is whether the cannabidiol comes from cannabis or hemp. The short answer is that it can come from both. The confusion of the hemp vs. cannabis concerns the plant’s name, makeup, and classification. Simply put, hemp plants contain more CBD, and cannabis plants contain more THC, the compound that causes the psychoactive effects associated with cannabis use. This article will discuss the differences between the two and key factors that can assist you in selecting your wholesale distributor.

Both cannabis and hemp plants contain CBD along with over 540 other substances. The key difference between the two is the amount of each compound they have. Hemp contains more CBD and less THC, while the opposite is said for cannabis, which is one reason why wholesale distributors prefer to extract cannabidiol from hemp.

What is most important is that CBD’s benefits do not change regardless of where it was derived. Common side effects like upset stomach or feeling on edge remain consistent because the chemical makeup of cannabidiol does not depend on which plant it comes from. On the contrary, the amount of CBD available for extraction does rely on the source. Hemp plants contain far more cannabidiol, making them an ideal option for manufacturers who provide wholesale, and they possess the least potential for legal ramifications.

The biggest difference between hemp and cannabis CBD is their legal status. According to the 2018 Farm Bill, any product made from plants that meet legal requirements for hemp is legal across the United States with the exemption for three states, making it the ideal option for wholesale distributors.

Products made from plants that have higher levels of THC do not fall under this statute. Regardless, all CBD products must possess less than .03% of THC, so even if derived from cannabis, it must contain less than this amount. An important factor to consider if one is planning on becoming a distributor or has plans to buy it wholesale for their business. Suppose one is looking to purchase cannabidiol wholesale. In that case, it is important to remember that the DEA considers any products containing more than the .03% THC as a Schedule One drug in states where recreational use of cannabis is not legal.

In summary, the main differences between hemp vs. cannabis are the amount of cannabidiol available for extraction and legal standing. For this reason, hemp is the ideal choice for those looking to purchase cannabidiol wholesale.

If you are looking for lab tested and approved wholesale CBD consider choosing Aimvo as your supplier. Proudly grown locally in the United States.

Jack Sylvester
Jack Sylvester is a freelance writer, He is extremely fond of anything that is related to ghostwriting, copy writing and blogging services. He works closely with B2B businesses providing digital marketing content that gains social media attention. His aim to reach his goals one step at a time and He believes in doing everything with a smile.