Factors That Need to Be Considered While Selecting a Dedicated and Shared Server

A dedicated server is a form of web hosting where a client uses an entire server exclusively. One of the first decisions that users take when setting up a new website, blog, or app is to host their website. Although they can choose to host their site by a few different means, the two main types of servers are common servers and dedicated servers. A shared server is shared with other web clients, as its name implies. But their website is the only one that is hosted on the server with a dedicated server. WeHaveServers knows how important is dedicated servers and they have years of experience in delivering these services.

When deciding between a dedicated server and a shared server, consider the following factors:


The user may share the costs to operate this domain with other websites if a user has a server shared. Having a dedicated server means, they would be responsible for all costs associated with running the server, including hardware updates, software, and the likelihood of hiring staff to support it.


Sharing a server entails sharing the physical server’s resources, such as bandwidth, memory, and processing. If another website hosted on the server receives a lot of traffic, it will cause their site to slow down. If the site does not expect a lot of traffic, this may not be a big deal; but, in the case of online shopping, it may slow down the clients’ ability to access the sites.


The hosting company is responsible for the installation of firewalls, malware and security programs on a shared server. They must install the protection software they desire while running a dedicated server. Since people are the only users on the server, malware and security breaches from other sites are less likely. When deciding on which server is the best for their needs, they will need to consider the budget and operational needs of the company. A shared server will keep costs down for smaller companies and take care of some operational aspects, but it will restrict power and slow down the website. A dedicated server costs more and requires more technological experience. But it allows them the freedom to run the server and won’t slow down the site from the other server hosts.