Dealing with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? A Guide

Those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome in Singapore often experience tingling, pain, and numbness. Simply put, this causes the median nerve and tendons to enlarge, blocking off feeling in the fingers and hand.

It commonly manifests as intermittent, mild, or moderate symptoms. However, as the symptoms worsen, they may linger longer or even wake you up at night, depending on how long you’ve had them.

It is because hand muscles decrease with age, making it more challenging to maintain a firm grasp. If this describes you, you should immediately see a hand doctor in Singapore. You should rule out other hand or wrist problems before seeking therapy.

What is carpal tunnel syndrome, and how does it affect the wrist?

Carpal tunnel syndrome among Singapore patients makes it hard to move their fingers.

The carpal tunnel is a small channel that runs from the wrist to the hand. Wrist bone and transverse carpal ligament are all that separate it. The median nerve gives the finger and ring fingertip sensation, which passes through. It is possible to get carpal tunnel syndrome because of the large median nerve’s proximity to several tendons that pass through the carpal tunnel.

People with severe CTS may no longer be able to move their thumbs properly and may have difficulty grasping objects. Seeing a wrist specialist in Singapore is advisable once this happens.

Who is prone to carpal tunnel syndrome?


Carpal tunnel syndrome can occur at any age. However, it is rare before the age of twenty. It is more likely to appear as a person’s age grows.

Typewriters, writers, and computer mice can all lead to CTS if used for long periods in the same position. Transcribers, cashiers, butchers, and cleaners have a higher incidence of chronic tension syndrome. As for pregnant women, it is the result of fluctuating hormones and increased fluid retention.

Work that requires a lot of repetitive finger movement puts you at risk for carpal tunnel syndrome. It includes:

  • Extreme hammering
  • Long-term usage
  • Excessive use of the wrist
  • Vibrating

Once you notice these as a frequent habit, seeing a hand doctor in Singapore is ideal for getting the proper diagnosis.

How do doctors diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome?


For immediate treatment, make an appointment with a wrist specialist in Singapore. As you visit your doctor, here are some tests they may conduct.

Tinel’s sign

As a diagnosis, your doctor will tap your wrist, and you may feel an electric feeling. Your doctor may also be able to observe muscle atrophy at the base of your thumb during a visual and physical examination.

Phalen’s test

You must place your hand on a table and allow it to fall. As you press your hands together, your doctor will instruct you to keep the position for 30-60 seconds. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the transverse carpal ligament and the anterior radius margin meet in this location, resulting in compression. Your doctor will then ask you how you are feeling every 15 seconds.

Electromyography (EMG)

Another is also conducting EMG. An electrical signal used in a nerve conduction study to examine how effectively the nerve works is a confirmation test for carpal tunnel syndrome. Ultrasound is another option, which is less intrusive than an EMG but necessitates a skilled specialist.

If you have diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, an overactive thyroid, or any other ailment, your doctor will inquire about it. They may even determine if you need hand surgery in Singapore.

When should you consider getting wrist splints?


It’s difficult to control your wrists when you sleep, and many individuals experience discomfort at night. Wearing a wrist splint is essential since it prevents your nerve from being put under pressure.

Wearing a night splint for a few weeks is common for persons with mild or moderate carpal tunnel syndrome in Singapore. As the name implies, the splint maintains the joint’s neutral alignment.

Regular movement of the joints throughout the day will help prevent stiffness and muscle weakening. It shows to help alleviate symptoms within a few weeks, but the results are frequently short-lived.

Splints come in various varieties. You may consult your hand doctor in Singapore to recommend the suitable model that fits you.

How can you prevent carpal tunnel syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome in Singapore is common among those who use their hands 24/7. There are several other preventative measures, such as:

  • Holding your wrists straight when you sleep.
  • Refrain from repeatedly flexing and stretching your wrists
  • Reduced gripping with the wrist in an arched position.
  • Taking frequent pauses
  • Recover through stretching and conditioning routines
  • Keeping an eye out for symptoms
  • Doing recommended hand exercises

When to have a surgical procedure?

A common complaint among patients is that their numbness has progressed over time to the point that they can no longer use their hands.

Once the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome have gotten so bad that non-surgical treatments have failed, hand surgery in Singapore may be necessary. It is especially needed if you have signs of weakness, lack of ability to perform any minimal task and drop things.

After surgery, you should rest your wrist for at least six weeks to promote healing and prevent new problems. Here are some of what you must remember:

Change your habits

If you allow your hands and wrist to work as you did, you may risk yourself in a much worse condition.

Avoid any stressful movement

After your hand surgery in Singapore, avoid using hand instruments that vibrate and keep your wrist and hand in a neutral position. Ensure you don’t overuse your hands or wrists, especially when pinching or grabbing something firmly.

Observe any side effects

Infections, discomfort, nerve damage, and scarring soreness are all possible side effects for certain people. In addition, many people notice a decrease in their grip strength. Over time, this usually gets better. If it doesn’t, consider visiting a wrist specialist in Singapore for help.

Get the proper treatment from Advanced Hand, Wrist & Nerve Centre!


Advanced Hand, Wrist & Nerve Centre doctors treat each patient as an individual with unique requirements and are committed to offering professional treatment to ensure effective treatment. If you are looking for a hand doctor in Singapore, consider calling them today!