Can depression/anxiety cause allergic skin rashes?

Anxiety and depression are both mental disorders or issues. Anxiety and depression are both common and may impair someone’s life, health, career, and daily routine. One of the features of anxiety and depression is the formation of skin rashes. Skin rashes that are caused by either anxiety or depression are self-limiting and will heal on its own. However, depression and anxiety will not heal on its own. Both will require medical assessment, attention, and intervention. The skin rashes are harmless but the causes are harmful. Skin coating will help you with any of your skin conditions, but please see a doctor if you have anxiety or depression. 

There are a few morning habits you should avoid which can worsen your anxiety and results in the development of skin rashes. The habits are:

  1- Drinks coffee

Coffee contains caffeine which is a natural form of stimulant. They make you more alert, focus, and energetic. Some people even experienced a better mood after a cup of coffee. They are a must for many people before starting a day. The only thing here is it can provoke an anxiety attack or worsen it. If you are suffering from anxiety, it is wise for you to stop taking coffee, especially early in the morning.

2- Skipping breakfast

Skipping your breakfast is a bad idea as it makes you hungry and provokes your body to be in a stressful condition. This may result in an anxiety attack or worsening of attack. Breakfast gives you the energy to start your day and make you more relaxed.

3- Sitting or lying down for too long

Sitting down or lying down for too long after you wake up is risking yourself to undergo an anxiety attack. Stand up and start walking or exercising after you wake up. Physical movements and activities help your mind fighting against anxiety.

4- Smartphones 

Spending too much time on smartphones early in the morning might increase the risk for you to suffer an anxiety attack. This is because navigating smartphones mostly require your brain to work much instead of physical movements. Such sudden load to your brain after a long sleep might trigger your anxiety. Focus more on doing physical activities and lesser load to your mind.

5- Streaming TV

Watching tv has been taught to reduce anxiety but unfortunately, it was proven to have the opposite effect. Sudden visual and auditory stimulation early in the morning creates unnecessary pressure on your brain and mind which might provoke anxiety. Instead of watching TV, listening to music is much better.

6- Drinking alcohol

Alcohol intake might interfere with your state of mind and change the wiring of your brain. Both will trigger an anxiety event. Say no to alcohol and start your day with ample plain water which helps to reduce the probability of you getting an anxiety attack following dehydration. 

  Steps you can take to maintain good mental health are:

  • Always asses how comfortable you are with yourself and others.
  • If you are not comfortable, list down all the reasons and issues that make you feel like that.
  • Make a plan on how to tackle all the issues.
  • Use a graded exposure strategy to expose yourself with the presence of others
  • Always challenge your thoughts whenever you start feeling uncomfortable with yourself or others.

Skin coating will help you with any of your skin conditions, but visit a doctor, psychologist, or therapist if you have anxiety or depression.