ADHD – What you Need to Know

Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder or ADHD, as it is known, can affect adults and children at any stage of life. Symptoms include short attention span, unstable moods and a reluctance to engage socially, while it is known that ADHD has genetic roots, we do not know the precise cause of the condition.

Carried through from childhood

For many years, ADHD went undiagnosed and children who suffered with the condition carried it through to adulthood. Restlessness is a common sign of ADHD Ascot Vale or indeed, any part of Australia. One area that does seem to suffer is building and managing relationships and the inability to socialise can compound the condition; many adults have ADHD without realising it and they subsequently try to manage their lives as best they can, without receiving any treatment.

The 3 main areas of diagnosis are:

  1. Impulsivity – Doing things on impulse.
  2. Hyperactivity – Excessive movement.
  3. Inattention – Inability to focus on something.

These are the main areas that specialists look at when diagnosing ADHD in both adults and children.

Potential treatment of ADHD


Stimulants such as amphetamine are generally considered to be the most effective treatments for ADHD, although long-term usage does seem to cause other behavioural issues. The drugs used to treat ADHD are not as addictive as they once were, indeed, many doctors prefer counselling as a form of treatment, mainly due to the potential side-effects of medication. 

Regular exercise

Most doctors are in agreement that to lead an active lifestyle is a good way to reduce the symptoms, therefore parents of children that suffer from ADHD are encouraged to introduce sports into the child’s life. Click here for fitness tips for the over 50s.

ADHD in children

Children who suffer from ADHD tend to have poor self-esteem, largely due to the fact that they have problems socially, which can lead to frustration and eventually, depression. There are specialists that offer counselling services for children and adults with ADHD and they are NDIS-approved.

Lack of in-depth research

We have only been treating ADHD since the mid-1970s and there is some controversy regarding diagnosis and effective treatment. More research should lead to a better understanding of the condition and that should lead to defined treatments with positive outcomes.

Behavioural therapy

Promising results are being seen using behavioural therapy as a treatment of ADHD, which is why therapy centres are busy, as children with behavioural issues are referred to a psychologist for counselling and therapy. If you or one of your children are showing symptoms of ADHD, search online for psychological counselling services and make an appointment with a specialist. After a series of consultations, the psychologist would likely be able to make some treatment recommendations.

Online research

To gain a deeper understanding of ADHD, you can search online for free resources and should you wish to talk to an expert, your local psychologist is the person to see.