Tricks for an Easy & Successful Pediatric Eye Exam

If you’re taking your child for their first visit to an optometrist (but not only!), you will definitely want to make it an outstanding experience. Getting regular checkups for your kid is more than necessary. An optometrist can keep track of your child’s ocular health and help you prevent serious problems. So, if you’re unsure where to start, you should keep reading this. Next, we share our pro tricks for an easy and successful pediatric eye exam.

#1 Get your kid ready in advance.

The golden rule says that if you want to have a successful pediatric eye exam, you need to keep your child in the loop. This means you need to prepare your kid in advance and let him know what an optometrist does. You’ll notice that your kid will feel more comfortable if you offer extra time to process the information.

#2 Have a positive attitude.

Another trick for an easy pediatric eye exam is hidden in your attitude. You should link positive words with the activity of going to the eye doctor. It will definitely have a positive effect on your kid. So, next time you go to an optometrist, you should keep up an upbeat tone and attitude. You’ll notice it can do wonders for how your kid behaves during an eye exam.

#3 Make everything playful.

Our optometrists say that a pediatric eye examination goes on smoothly if you turn everything into a game. Kids are more prone to well-behave during a health checkup if they feel like they’re part of a game. And the best part about making everything playful is that your kid will link the eye doctor with a positive activity.

#4 Role-play before your visit to an optometrist.

Sometimes it is helpful to do some role-play beforehand. So, a couple of days prior to the eye exam, you can simulate one at home. Make your kid feel comfortable by asking them to read signs and labels from afar. Also, allow your kid to ask you questions, and ensure you both get to play the doctor role. This will stimulate his imagination and make him eager for the actual visit to the optometrist.

#5 Offer rewards before and after the visit.

Even though it might sound odd, offering rewards before and after a pediatric eye exam is an excellent trick. So, when you start playing a game for the visit, you need to reassure your kid there is a big reward at the end. And this doesn’t necessarily need to be a dessert. Maybe you’ll give him a star to put on his “well-behaved board.” Or you offer a trip to his favorite place. No matter what you choose, you should explain it to your kid clearly. You will reward his willingness to get insights on his eye health and not on the fact that he just went for the visit.

The bottom line

These are some tricks for a successful pediatric eye exam. Of course, there are plenty of other tips you can use, depending on your kid’s personality. No matter what you do, make sure you keep everything as positive as possible.

Jack Sylvester
Jack Sylvester is a freelance writer, He is extremely fond of anything that is related to ghostwriting, copy writing and blogging services. He works closely with B2B businesses providing digital marketing content that gains social media attention. His aim to reach his goals one step at a time and He believes in doing everything with a smile.