Online Shopping Still On the Rise in 2021

It’s no surprise that shoppers continue to purchase their goods online. Why do people shop online versus buying their product in store and having it that day? The number of online shoppers may have continued to rise during the coronavirus pandemic as people felt more comfortable staying in their homes and many companies closed down for a time. But in 2021, there are over 2.21 billion people worldwide expected to buy goods and services online.

This is a shockingly high number.

Shopping malls, private businesses will all be affected by the rise. However, entrepreneurs continue to profit from and create more ways to shop online. Stitch Fix, a personal styling app created by Katrina Lake connects users to their own personal stylist without ever having to leave home. Giftagram, another mobile app, led by a team of executives that includes G. Scott Paterson, supplies consumers with a personal gifting concierge. Another online service, Instacart, shot to fame during Coronavirus when people wanted groceries delivered versus going out into stores to buy them. While the risk may be lower now, people are still placing orders online to have their food delivered.

These online platforms have radically changed the way people shop and connect.

In 2020, there were 2.05 billion online shoppers. 2021 has brought an increase and is expected to continue to rise.

There are plenty of other reasons people may choose to purchase their products online instead of shopping in person. 41% of consumers say having coupons and discounts to apply for their online purchases factor in as a reason for shopping online. Many companies offer loyalty points as incentive to continue to shop as well, bringing the consumer back time and again.

Online shopping can also be a huge time saver for people who are leading busy lives. Amazon Prime, a constant growing platform in the U.S., has over 112 million active users. The site offers access to products such as clothing, electronics, home goods, and more. They also have a paid service, Prime, which allows users to receive next-day delivery on their products.

Whether COVID-19 is a factor for the rise in online shopping statistics for 2021 or not, we have seen a steady rise each year. Consumers spent $861.12 billion online in 2020, a 40% increase from the year before making it the highest growth in two decades. With app developers and entrepreneurs continuing to find new and innovative ways to shop online, it is almost guaranteed that number will rise.