Learning Korean: 9 Awesome Reasons to Take Korean Classes

Every language is unique. Therefore, learning a foreign language provides a new perspective on the world. Choosing which language to study is a separate issue. Knowing which language is best for you will help you develop a passion for it. Therefore, why should you take a Korean language course? And is it your preferred language?

Typically, people select a language based on its relevance to them. Perhaps a connection to the heritage, a college course, or a prospective career motivates them to work toward fluency.

However, this is not always the case. If you want to choose the correct language, you must be knowledgeable about it. Therefore, to assist you in determining whether learning Korean is the best option for you, here are ten reasons why Korean is awesome!

1. Korean is useful.

More than seventy-five million people speak Korean. In addition, it is the eighteenth most spoken language worldwide. It makes the language suitable for travel and business. And if you intend to conduct any business in the country, you must take classes with a Korean teacher in Singapore. Your business partners will appreciate your courtesy. And because of Korea’s robust economy, the nation is also a fantastic vacation destination. Knowing Korean will put you at an advantage during your trip. Not only can you communicate and navigate effectively, but you can also uncover tourist-unknown locations.

2. Discover better career opportunities.

Bilingual workers are more valuable to an organisation. There is a possibility that learning a second language will increase your earning potential. Why then take a Korean language course? Because business relationships with Korea are advantageous. The Korean economy is the twelfth largest in the world. The expansion of corporations such as Samsung, Hyundai, and LG is ongoing. If and when your company decides to join Korean investors and markets, your knowledge of the Korean language will put you ahead of the competition.

3. Korean culture is unique.

Customs and traditions abound within Korean culture. Beyond the modern popular culture sweeping the globe, a vast Korean history is waiting for discovery. Peninsula customs include art, holidays, and superstitions.

The Korean mindset stems from reverence. Concepts like honour, face, and pride have long been part of society. Studying how this heritage influences modern Korea is fascinating. You can only learn it by speaking the language. Until you learn Korean in a language school in Singapore, you can’t open these doors.

4. Speaking Korean is easy!

As previously stated, the Korean alphabet roots in the language’s sounds. Thanks to phonetic letters, the pronunciation of Korean is quite logical. You speak every word written. If you believe Korean is hard to learn, consider how much more difficult other languages are.

Korean lacks the guttural sounds found in Arabic and Hebrew. In addition, there are no consonant clusters, as there are in Polish and Georgian. Moreover, unlike other East Asian languages, Korean is not a tonal language. It makes it much easier to speak in Korean classes.

5. The Korean alphabet is simple.

You might think that the Korean writing system makes it hard to learn the language. Hangul, the Korean alphabet, is easy to absorb. Korea has the world’s most logical writing system. Hangul’s evolution wasn’t gradual. It fits the language’s speech perfectly. In the Joseon dynasty, King Sejong created the current system. Before Chinese characters, they used Korean ones.

Hangul has 24 letters, two fewer than English, and they are all pronounced phonetically. Languages with phonetically spelt words are much simpler to learn. For example, ㄴ, which is pronounced ‘ni-eun’, resembles the English letter N and appears as your tongue would appear when making the sound. The alphabet’s simplicity is just one of the reasons you should take Korean classes.

6. There are no genders for nouns in Korean.

The gender of nouns is an obstacle people encounter when learning a second language such as French or Spanish. It can be hard to distinguish between masculine and feminine nouns. Since there are no genders for nouns in Korean in your language course, this is not a problem.

7. Korean has no verb conjugations.

Korean grammar is not hard to learn. And you do not need to worry about conjugating verbs in Korean classes, for example. Whether the verb is singular or plural, the same form remains.

Many other languages conjugate verbs, which can be challenging to master. The difficulty of conjugating verbs causes students to abandon their studies. Since there are no verb forms in Korean, you can sail right past this obstacle and say goodbye to those annoying verb conjugation charts.


8. Korea is a leader in world affairs.

Korea has recently been making headlines in international politics. And not only due to North Korea. Ban Ki-Moon, the eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations, co-initiated The Paris Accords and pledged to reduce future carbon emissions.

Despite the tense and ever-changing developments between North and South Korea, Korea is also an important US ally. The nation continues to invest its economic influence in the United States, making it a promising country to study. If you are interested in politics, you should consider learning it in a Korean language school in Singapore.

9. Konglish facilitates ease of communication.

The Korean language has also adopted several English words and phrases. People refer to this English-Korean hybrid as ‘Konglish’. And mastering it can accelerate the process of learning Korean. For example, when a Korean says (‘dika’), they are saying ‘digital camera’ shortened. Another instance is the word (‘selka’), which means ‘selfie’. Remember that Koreans make genuine attempts to adopt the culture of other languages. Returning the same courtesy is an excellent argument for learning Korean with a teacher in Singapore.

Korean is a beautiful language. It applies in many situations, and it’s not even as difficult as people believe. It has a logical alphabet, no conjugated verbs, and even lacks tonal sounds in pronunciation. In addition, Korean culture accentuates the value of the time and effort required to achieve fluency. If you are interested in learning Korean, why not begin today?

Take TOPIK tests in Singapore to test your proficiency! Visit ONLYOU Korean Language School today.

Jack Sylvester
Jack Sylvester is a freelance writer, He is extremely fond of anything that is related to ghostwriting, copy writing and blogging services. He works closely with B2B businesses providing digital marketing content that gains social media attention. His aim to reach his goals one step at a time and He believes in doing everything with a smile.