How To Handle Rejected Federal Workers Compensation Claims

If you’re a federal employee who found themselves injured during work through no fault of their own, the concept of Federal Workers Compensation can feel a bit like a lifesaver. In theory, everyone who needs that compensation should get it after filing. In practice, not everyone who needs it gets it with ease.

Many Federal Workers Compensation claims find themselves rejected for one reason or another. The problem obviously becomes how an injured worker can find the care they need without an accepted claim. What can you do when your claim is accepted? These tips will help you determine the best course of action…

  1. Try to find out the reason why your claim was denied. Each claim will have its own reasons, and some of those reasons are actually relatively easy to fix. If yours has an easy fix, trying to file a new claim might work.
  2. Consult with a local Federal Workers Compensation medical center. If you can, contact a specialized medical center like FedHelp for assistance. They often will have a team trained to help people determine the best course of action for each unique situation.
  3. Figure out if you can reapply, and if you can, do. In many cases, reapplying or contesting the claim is doable. If you are allowed to contest it, by all means, do–and make sure to add more evidence supporting your claim.
  4. If all else fails, talk to a lawyer. Should all other attempts to make things work fail, you might still have some legal rights you can rely on. That being said, only a well-qualified attorney will be able to tell you what to expect.