Eye Strain – Are Your Devices the Cause of It?

Modern devices are great for giving you access to all sorts of information and are useful tools, but they aren’t great for the eyes. It only takes two hours of screen time per day to have a 90% chance of developing digital eye strain.

Many people have their devices on for much longer than that and use the computer all day so it’s not surprising how many patients will visit eye doctors for a problem related to digital eye strain.

The Symptoms of Eye Strain

You can experience symptoms of eye strain even if you wear glasses or a contact lens. Some of the symptoms include eye fatigue, itching or burning of the eyes, eyes that feel watery, frequent headaches, increased light sensitivity and difficulty keeping eyes open.

What Can You Do about Eye Strain?

The obvious solution is to cut back on screen time, but this isn’t always possible, especially if you rely on screens to do your job.

Optimize Workspace for Added Comfort: The angle of your eyes on your computer screen can play a role in how much strain your screen time causes. You want your screen slightly below eye level and angled upward. Keep at least 20 inches retina specialist of space between your eyes and the screen.

Reduce Glare: Consider the position of the computer screen with the glare from windows or overhead lighting. You can also consider getting a glare filter for your screen if you can’t seem to find a comfortable position.

Follow the 20-20-20 Rule: This suggests that every 20 minutes you take a 20-second break from looking at the screen. During this time, look at something at last 20 feet away.

Invest in Computer Glasses: Just as sunglasses protect your eyes, computer glasses can protect your eye problems symptoms from strain. This can be a great option for those who wear a contact lens since you still will be able to see.

Invest in Computer Glasses: Just as sunglasses protect your eyes, computer glasses can protect your eyes from strain. This can be a great option for those who wear a contact lens since you still will be able to see.