Affirming Therapist: What is Gender Therapy?


LGBTQ Therapists | LGBTQ Therapy | Gender Therapists

Before you decide on Pleasant Grove LGBTQ therapy, there are several things to remember. First, look for a counselor who has experience dealing with anxiety and depression. To be competent and competent, you need a counselor you can trust to help with anxiety. It’s not a good idea for you to arrive at your session and find out that the therapist has no experience with anxiety or LGBTQ issues. Before you book a session, a consultation can help determine if the counselor is right for you. These are the questions you should ask LGBTQ community therapists during a consultation:

1. “Have you worked with LGBTQ individuals with the same concerns and LGBTQ issues as mine?” This is a great question to ask to find out if the therapists are qualified to help you. Clinical support of anxiety requires certain skills.

2. “How can LGBTQ therapists help me?” Before you start counseling, knowing what you can expect from the experience is crucial. Although you may not be able to pinpoint when your therapist uses particular techniques, it is important to understand what therapy is all.

3. “Can you tell us a bit about how you approach LGBTQ issues?” Pleasant Grove therapists employ many therapy methods and schools of thought. Therefore, there are many ways to approach it. Finding a therapist who suits your needs and does not hinder you in fighting anxiety is important.

4. “Do you believe medication should be considered?” Therapists can talk about this, even though not everyone might need medication. Even though LGBTQ community counselors are not trained to prescribe medication, they can identify when someone may need both. Counseling and medication do not always have to be combined. Counseling should be considered separately.


Gender and LGBTQ therapy concentrate on four aspects of counseling: social, mental, emotional, and physical. Anyone who questions or feels uncomfortable with their gender, experiences gender dysphoria, or doesn’t identify with their assigned sex (given at birth), can seek gender-affirming interventions, LGBTQ therapy, and counseling.

Gender therapy is for all individuals. LGBTQ therapy has improved the lives of LGBTQ individuals and LGBTQ youth stuck in traditional gender roles who want to develop a deeper connection with their true selves.

Little Peace of Hafen uses a gender-affirming approach for queer clients. Gender therapists understand gender as a spectrum and not black and white.

At Little Peace of Hafen, family therapists do not believe identifying as a queer community member or anything other than cisgender necessitates diagnosis, a mental health evaluation, or psychotherapy treatments.


A gender therapist shouldn’t attempt to diagnose you because of your identity or try to change your mind. This is not gender-affirming.

LGBTQ therapists do not believe in a “right way” to express gender.

An experience LGBTQ therapist will provide information to support and help you connect with your true self.

A gender therapist will never presume your gender or force you into a gender. It can take time to realize your gender, and gender therapy isn’t assigning one for you.

Just as this therapy cannot assign a gender to you, it cannot talk you out of gender either.


Now you are much more prepared to meet with an LGBTQ community therapist. These tips will help you find a qualified and caring gender-affirming therapist who is experienced with LGBTQ clients. Pleasant Grove counselor Little Peace of Hafen can help with anxiety. Call us today to set up a consultation with Little Peace of Hafen. We are also available in Pleasant Grove and the surrounding area.

Family therapist are available for LGBTQ community families too.

Little Peace of Hafen has improved the lives of LGBTQ individuals in Utah. His clinic specializes in gender-affirming therapy or LGBTQ therapy. Call to schedule a consultation today.