3 Strategies to Help You Win at Social Media Marketing

Most people who sell a brand or product know the important role that marketing has on their business. Looking outside of television commercials and bus stop billboards, however, one area of the marketing realm that could use some building up is social media marketing.  Afterall, there are so many potential customers who can be reached at the click of a mouse button; and, social media is a no brainer for your business if you leverage it in the right ways.

From building your brand to generating sales, here are some ways to use social media in your favor.

Find and engage your audience:

Your business pages and social accounts need to cater to what your audience wants. Perhaps you provide lawn and garden care services, so here, your audience might enjoy content about growing plants and flowers.  Whatever your content strategy may be, it’s important to post on a continual basis. One of the best ways to attract more people on your social account is by keeping your content authentic and engaging.  People will want to stick around and listen to what you have to say.

Provide relevant content:

Once you’ve found your audience’, the next step is to post relevant content for your followers.  Once you’ve established an engagement with your audience, the more likely it is people will choose you as their guide for opinions and recommendations.  You can use a mix of content types – videos, blog posts, pictures – preferably ones that your audience favors most.

There’s a good “80/20” rule of sharing which means 80 percent of the time you are sharing content around what your audience wants.  The other 20 percent can be content around selling your product or services.

Choosing the right social platforms to grow and engage your audience is also important.  While popular social platforms like Facebook and Twitter are helpful to attract online attention and build your brand, Connect Pal is for any person, group, or business that has an audience or wants to grow an audience. A Connect Pal profile is like a profile page on any social network, but there is a charge for people to see your profile content.

Measure success:

You’ll never know how your social media marketing strategies are working unless you can measure its success.  There are lots of ways to find out how many people are interacting with you on a consistent basis but one of the easiest means to track is through Likes and Shares.  You can also take note of your audience growth, or the number of followers you’ve gained over a specific period of time. There are also many analytics tools that you can use to measure your reach; including: Sprout Social, Google Analytics, Keyhole and Shortstack, to name a few.

Remember, not all social platforms are the same so it’s important to understand your audiences’  behaviors on each one.  It will help you provide the best possible content for them in the future.